Apply for a pavement licence

Please read the Canterbury City Council Pavement Licensing Policy before completing your application.

To complete this form you will need:

  • a debit or credit card to pay a non-refundable fee of £100
  • evidence of your right to occupy the premises, such as the lease
  • evidence that you have given notice of the application - for this we will need a dated photo of the pavement licence site notice being displayed outside the premises, and a photo of the site notice itself
  • a copy of a current certificate of insurance to a minimum value of £5 million that covers third party and public liability risks. If insurance is to be obtained on grant of an application, this must be submitted to us before trading starts
  • a risk assessment demonstrating how you will manage social distancing and the conflict between pedestrians using the footway, those using the furniture and those queuing to access the premises
  • a plan showing the location of your premises and the proposed location of the furniture in relation to the highway. This should be to scale, or with clear measurements. The plan must show:
    • the location of the premises with the boundary shown by a red line
    • the positions and number of the proposed tables and chairs, or other furniture
    • any other items that you wish to place on the highway
    • smoking and non-smoking areas
    • measurements of the pathway width and length and the building width
    • measurements of any other fixed items in the proposed area

We will also ask you to tell us:

  • the days and times you want to put furniture out
  • the proposed duration of the licence (three months, six months, or two years)

If you have already submitted an application for a pavement licence

We will ask for the reference of the existing pavement licence currently under consideration.